Wells Fargo Smartphone Navigation Redesign was launched in November, 2020 to address customer pain points on discoverability, accessibility and the overall ease of use of the navigation system.
Wells Fargo Customization effort for the Account Summary page was launched to meet Wells Fargo customers' desire to make their own selections and setting preferences. Through an iterative process, a simple customization design was achieved that gave customers full control on how their information was organized or displayed.
PactSafe provides a web-based solution that allows lawyers to manage digital legal agreements, and a team of three designers were tasked to redesign the product tour for their website to improve conversion rate. In a collaborative effort, a design solution was proposed for better customer engagement and a higher conversion rate.
The Cache Hunt app is a geocaching tool that was created for our client Rand McNally. As an industry leader of maps, atlases, textbooks and globe for travel, Rand McNally wished to enter the geocaching market that has steadily been gaining popularity in the recent years. In a team collaborative effort, a preliminary design was produced to demonstrate that our client was ready for a new market.
9Virtues is a meditation app designed to facilitate relaxation. It is a guided meditation program for novice and seasoned practitioners to help connect with inner peace and maintain physical, mental & emotional well-being.